Friday, August 26, 2011

BALI DAY 1: Leaving on a jet plane!

And we’re off! I’m currently sitting in a tiny aeroplane seat, looking out the window at the beautiful blue sky and at all the clouds (will be posting this later when we get to the hotel). This morning was a bit hectic; (I was reminded of the house in Home Alone before the whole family leaves for their holiday) with everybody running around trying to move stuff around in suitcases that are already too heavy. We eventually managed to balance out the weight by putting things in the hand-luggage. The last minute items were packed (toothbrushes not forgotten, hooray!), the taxi arrived and we went to the airport.

After meeting up with my oldest sister and her husband, we checked in, had lunch and moved through customs and immigration. We went through the usual process of putting our bags through the x-ray machines … and then found out that I’d accidentally packed ALL of my toiletries into one of the hand luggage bags!!! What I had thought were shoes wrapped in a plastic bag (like the rest of them were) was actually all of my face washes, expensive shampoos, moisturisers and makeup! (After I’d been SO careful to make sure all my lip glosses and hand creams weren’t in my hand luggage!) And because of the laws regarding no liquids in the cabin of the plane (unless they’re in little bottles less that 100mL) I was majorly kicking myself, thinking we’d have to bin the lot! Luckily, dad was able to go back and check the bag in with the rest of our luggage, and my toiletries will meet us in Bali. Lesson learnt! (Cue Homer Simpson style “D’OH” moment.)

Then we got to the fun part, buying perfume and alcohol in the duty free store! I picked up a couple of late birthday presents and some of my favourite green apple vodka for myself J I can’t actually remember the late time I purchased spirits that weren’t either from duty free of were birthday gifts (which is an indicator to how often my family travels internationally…).

Now we’re on the plane, we’ve just passed over the top (or side??) of Australia and are now over the ocean. Can’t wait to get there!! Bali is such an amazing place and I’ve got so many happy memories of being there. The unusual thing about this trip is that my entire immediate family is going: mum; dad; two older sisters; two younger brothers and two brothers-in-law. There’s usually someone who stays home, whether its one of my sisters and her husband, or dad. Sister number 2 and her hubby are already in Bali, having arrived yesterday. Mum and dad are having a vow-renewal ceremony in a few days to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary. The anniversary was actually in November last year but we wanted to wait till August to head to Bali because the weather is best now. I really am lucky to have such a big, happy, loving and fun family. They’re pretty awesome J (No, this isn’t a hack, honestly!)

I picked up a couple of fashion magazines at the airport before we left and thought I should express my excitement that bold, bright colour blocking is in this season! I have to admit; I was definitely repulsed when I walked in to stores like Sportsgirl and Dotti a few weeks ago and my eyes were assailed by SO MUCH COLOUR. But it’s definitely grown on me. There’s kind of an exhilarating thrill about putting two bright colours together in the same outfit. It’s like I’m breaking all of those fashion rules I learned when I was a kid/teenager. It makes me feel happy to wear colours, and it reminds me that summer isn’t far away. I’ve picked out some cute outfits that I can’t wait to wear once we land, especially sky blue shorts with a fire engine red tank top, and a sapphire blue ruffle front top with orange shorts. And for days at home when I’m not feeling so bold, even throwing in some coloured tights (dark purple instead of black) or a bright bangle or earrings can make any outfit feel more fun.

I’m lucky enough to work in a clothing store that I really love (Cotton On represent!) and it’s always fun to think up new outfits using the items of new stock that we get in. It’s pretty much a dream job for this point in my life (still studying and not wanting full time, “serious” work.) Fun atmosphere, great bosses and team mates, cool music and an awesome staff discount.

It sounds cliché but fashion is a real passion of mine. I’m halfway through completing a degree in journalism at Murdoch University (well, it’s actually a double degree with gender and cultural studies too). I’m definitely drawn to the “real” side of journalism (and by this I mean reporting on the events that you see in most of the newspaper or TV broadcast – deaths, disasters, crime, cover-ups etc – and will probably end up working in this side of the industry once I graduate. However, I’d definitely love to one day build up enough experience to one day work in the fashion/style area of journalism. Whether it’s for a magazine, newspaper or website, I think it’s definitely something I could throw my whole self into and get a lot out of. After all, it’s something I’ve always enjoyed and been interested in – but getting paid to write about it would be a definite bonus.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve still got a fiery, passionate attitude towards journalism and news reporting as a whole (that’s my Aries personality coming out), and I have to admit there’s certainly a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment that comes with digging up the facts, piecing them together and coming up with a really good story.

But that’s enough of that for now, it’s time to turn off all electronic devices and prepare for landing. Tray tables are stowed, seats in an upright position, lets get started on this holiday!

LATER: After an amazing dinner with the family, we've come back to the hotel. Bali is still the same, noisy and bustling and seriously alive. So glad I'm here :)

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