Monday, August 29, 2011

BALI DAYS 3 & 4: Bliss!

We’ve had a pretty busy past two days, with a little bit of shopping and a lot of eating and pampering! (Pretty tough to endure, but I survived :P ) Yesterday started with breakfast at the hotel again – our accommodation includes a buffet breakfast everyday with pretty much any kind of food you could want. They’ve got the usual things like cereal, fruit, eggs, bacon and toast, but there’s also waffles, little pastries and croissants as well as fried rice, miso soup and curry. The beef fried rice today and the waffles yesterday are my definite favourites so far -- if only my breakfast could be made for me everyday when I’m at home!

After breakfast, mum and I headed back to Discovery shopping centre on a shoe-hunting expedition. She ended up buying two pairs and I bought a pair of THE HOTTEST snakeskin shoes I have everrrrr seen!

We lazed around the room for most of the afternoon, but left at 4pm for a sunset dinner at La Lucciola – a very swanky restaurant with amazing food and gorgeous views over the beach. The cocktails also were really delicious, and I had my first pina colada. Tasty! The restaurant had a nice atmosphere and it was a wonderful evening all up :)

I got seriously pampered today; I went with sister number 1 and her husband to Febri’s Hotel and Spa and had a full body Balinese massage, full pedicure package and a manicure – all for only $50!! The massage was so amazing, I don’t have the right words to describe how fantastic it felt, but I zoned out into this deeply relaxed state of bliss for most of it, if that’s any indication? Will definitely go again if there’s time, I loved it!

Next was the deluxe pedicure, with a foot scrub and paraffin wax treatment. The wax treatment was a bit weird; they heat up the wax and kind of slather it onto each foot in a thick layer with a paint brush. Once the wax sets, they slip the whole thing off your foot like a sock! Apparently it’s to make your feet “soft like a baby”, and I can definitely say they were really smooth afterwards! (It’s “like having new feet”, according to the girl who did my treatment.) The whole thing reminded me of the horror movie House of Wax though, where the crazy guy kills people by pouring wax on them so he can put them in his museum...

Later on we had a hair appointment with the lady who’s coming to do everyone’s hair for mum and dad’s vow-renewal ceremony tomorrow. Cannot BELIEVE the traffic, it took us over 90 mins for what should have been a 20 min drive! It’s the end of Ramadan today/tomorrow, so heaps of people have come to Bali to visit or be with their families for the end of the festival. The traffic was so bad that even the little scooters weren’t able to nip around the cars because the roads were so congested! Hopefully it will clear up soon. Had bacon cabonara for dinner and the Pantai restaurant, and now it’s time to hop into bed with a book so I can rest up for the big ceremony tomorrow. Can’t wait! :)

PS: Here's proof that I rocked a maxi dress ... and loved it!!


  1. nice!
    take a look at my blog,
    maybe we can follow each otther?!

